
Industrial Chain Manufacturer Outlines What Can Cause A Tight Chain


Below are three reasons why the Industrial Chain manufa […]

Below are three reasons why the Industrial Chain manufacturer is too tight.

1. Do not know the maintenance common sense, adjust it by yourself, and tighten the conveyor chain by mistake. This is a confused concept. I only know that chain adjustment is the scope of maintenance. I don't know how to adjust it is the correct standard.

2. Due to the severe wear of the chainring chain, but time or economy does not allow it, or the special type of chainring cannot be purchased locally at the time, the chain is tightened to prevent the vehicle from being driven.

3. When changing the chain to the chainring, the misaligned chainring was mistakenly installed on the motorcycle, causing the chain to loosen and loose. When the conveyor chain manufacturer checked and adjusted, it happened to be loose on one end and the other was too tight. Regardless of which of the above causes the chain to be adjusted too tightly, it will greatly reduce the service life of the chain and the chainring. When the chain is adjusted too tightly, because the contact pressure with the gear plate increases, the chain is easily stretched, the link plate is easily deformed or broken, and the conveyor chain rollers are also broken. In addition, the toothed disc will be sharpened too early due to wear and tear, and in severe cases will be jagged.

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