
Industrial Chain Maintenance Process


The cleaning frequency of the Industrial Chain can be c […]

The cleaning frequency of the Industrial Chain can be cleaned in time every few months, every time the chain comes into contact with seawater or when there is obvious oil stain on the chain. Because it is stained with seawater, if it is not cleaned with gasoline in time, it will still break after two or three days. This is because the salt contained in the seawater will significantly increase the electrochemical corrosion of the chain, so timely cleaning is necessary.

The cleaning method is chain cleaner. Although clean water and soapy water will not cause too much harm in the short term, the brake disc cleaner has a great influence on the function of the chain, and it is not recommended for use.

For daily chain cleaning, just spray chain cleaner or WD-40 while rotating the chain. If necessary, you can use a rag, toothbrush or a special chain cleaning brush to clean it. Then spray the chain smoothing agent, and spray the bearings on both sides of the front and the inside separately. Because the chain smoothing agent is smooth, the bearings and rubber seals are mainly used. Finally, wipe off the remaining smoothing agent with a clean towel.

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